THE KOMINSKY METHOD: The Lost Pandemic Episode

Inspired by the announcement that The Kominsky Method would be returning for a third and final season, I scripted this spec episodic for TKM, titled AN ACTOR ENCORES.

My storylines deal head on with Sandy Kominsky's cancer journey; and, of course, with the Pandemic. On the upside, Sandy gets a shot at the role of a lifetime; to play a character based on the 1980’s network voiceover legend Ernie Anderson... the new series LEFT COAST PROMO, from director Paul Thomas Anderson.  

There’s also a new woman in Sandy Kominsky's life, in the form of a Travel Nurse he calls the “Finnish Blood Draw Goddess”.

For anyone out there wondering how to stage a comeback, Sandy Kominsky is putting on a clinic, in AN ACTOR ENCORES.


 Download The Lost Kominsky Episode.pdf